WEI’s WasteTracker™ software application provides waste inventory and manifesting data management for the upstream petroleum industry.
WasteTracker™ was developed in 1998 in response to the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) requirement for petroleum producers to track all generated oilfield wastes produced by a number of crude oil and natural gas companies. Currently, it is estimated that 41% of all upstream petroleum industry wastes produced in Alberta are tracked with WasteTracker™.
In addition to meeting AER tracking requirements, WasteTracker™ is a useful management tool for all regulatory jurisdictions. It provides for many waste data capture and reporting options that help companies to make sound economic decisions on the management of their operations.
WasteTracker™ Features
- Tracks oilfield waste types and volumes from generator via transporter to a receiver.
- Universally adaptable to a wide variety of industries and provinces, thereby allowing companies to monitor and manage their total waste streams.
- Complete with eleven pre-set report types assist corporate waste management (including the AER annual waste disposition report file for electronic submission).
- Easy to operate, using simple push-button menus.
- Utilizes pre-defined and user-defined generator and receiver facility data, such as company and location, to speed entry of repetitive generator or receiver data.
- Pull-down lists ensure consistent data entry.
- Export to Excel option to facilitate special data analysis tools, such as pivot tables.
- WasteTracker™ is a flexible system that can be specifically tailored to meet your company’s requirements.
WasteTracker™ Service Options
Self Managed
Purchase the WasteTracker™ application for ‘in house’ tracking. WEI supports the user with application set-up, training, problem resolution, and special needs. User performs the reconciliation, data entry and tracking.
Full Management
WEI provides all data entry and reconciliation services.
WEI provides technical support and training to all WasteTracker™ users, and continuing support through periodic software upgrades and training as required.